This website talks about a study that the University of Tennessee made. It gives facts about cigarettes and how they are bad to the environment. One fact is that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are tossed in the United States every year.
2.)Kaufman, Leslie. "The New York Times Log In." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.
This is a New York Times article that takes about how a little bit of littering can go a long way. There are being programs produced such as the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program that helps with these issues. What I found interesting about this article was that the mayor from San Francisco is putting 33 cents taxes on the cigarettes to cover the cost of 11 million dollars that the city spends annually to clean up cigarette litter.
3.)CigaretteLitter.Org - The Facts About Cigarette Butts and Litter - Cigarette Litter. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.
This is just a website not an article but I really liked it. I liked it because it gives a lot of information about cigarettes. How they affect the environment, what you can do to help (like different programs that are cleaning the beach such as BUTTsOUT), gives you images of were cigarette butts are littered, and many other things. One fact that I found out was that cigarette butts are not biodegradable. I thought that the inside of a cigarette butt was made of cotton but it is actually made of acetate.
4.)Polito, Johon R. "Cigarette Butt Litter- Two Billion Littered Butts a Day." WhyQuit - the Internet's leading cold turkey quit smoking resource. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.
It basically talks about why cigarettes are considered litter and what it does to the environment. I really liked it though because it gives really good information such as that annually there are about 1.7 billion pounds of cigarette butts littered worldwide. I also liked that he is passionate about the topic that he is writing about.
5.)"Cigarette Butt Litter." Homepage - Fairfax County, Virginia. Web. 09 Nov. 2009.
This article is small but it gives a lot of good information, which I really liked. It tells you that under Section 10.1-1143 of the Forestry Code it is illegal to throw any lighted smoking material from a vehicle. It also gives you other laws about cigarette littering. It gives you some background information about cigarettes like the cigarette butts are made of a plastic called cellulose acetate.
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