Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hierba Buena (Yerba Buena)

Hierba Buena (Yerba Buena)

Hierba Buena is an herb that is part of the mint family. It was used by the Native American Indians. They used it as a medicine herb to relive stomachaches, small bruises, and other small aches and pains. It is also used today, in the Philippines; Hierba Buena is one of the top ten herbs that are recommended as an alternative to medicine to relive aches and pains. If you put Hierba Buena in water for 30-40 minutes, you can use that water for mouthwash do to the fact that Hierba Buena is part of the mint family. It will also leave you with a fresh minted breath. Some people also drink Hierba Buena tea. You can do this by getting Hierba Buena and boiling it in water. This tea is good to relieve minor pains like headaches, toothaches, and joint pains. Be careful though because if consumed in large amount, Hierba Buena can be toxic.

Hierba Buena is not only used as a medicine herb, it can also be used in foods to add flavor. It is mainly used in soups because the soup can absorb all the Hierba Buena’s flavor and enhance the taste of the soup. It can also be used in beverages to add some extra flavor to it.